Baxie EX-UE9 : Location, Functions, Indication, Method

Baxie EX-UE9
Baxie EX-UE9

Nomenclature :

English Name/Meaning: Eight Pathogens
Chinese Name: 八邪


When a loose fist is made, the points are on the dorsum of the hand, proximal to the margins of the webs between all five fingers, at the junction of the red and white skin. Both hand altogether have a total of eight points.

Functions and Indications of Baxie :

  • Clears heat and reduces swelling so is beneficial for vexation, excessive heat, eye pain, venomous snake-bite.
  • Local disorders: swelling and pain of the dorsum of the hand, numbness of the fingers.

Method :

Olique insertion upward 0.5-0.8cun or prick to cause bleeding.

Remarks :

Good point for moxa in arthritis.

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