Shugu BL65: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Shu: bundle up Gu: bone Shugu, BL65 is an ancient name of the head of the 5th metatarsal and the point is on the lateral inferior aspect of the head of the 5th metatarsal. Point: BL65 Chinese Name: 束骨 Name: Shugu English Name/Meaning: Restraining Bone Pinyin: shù gǔ Han Geul 한글: sok gol 속골…

Jinmen BL63: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Jin: gold Men:door Jinmen, BL63 pertains to the bladder meridian of Foot-Taiyang and is the starting point of the Yang Link Vessel (Yangweimai), like a door to enter the Yang Link Vessel. Point: BL63 Chinese Name: 金门 Name: Jinmen English Name/Meaning: Golden Gate Pinyin: jīn mén Han Geul 한글: geum mun 금문 Romaji: kim…

Pucan BL61: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Pu: servant Can: paying respects Pucan is at the lateral aspect of the heel and is therefore exposed when a servant pays his respects. Point: BL61 Chinese Name: 仆參 Name: Pucan English Name/Meaning: Servant’s Respect Pinyin: pú cān Han Geul 한글: bok cham 복참 Romaji: boku shin(?) Vietnamese: Bộc tham Location: Posterior and inferior…

Fuyang BL59: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Fu: tarsus Yang: yang of yin-yang Yang here means “exterior and superior”. Fuyang is on the superior aspect of the tarsus and on the lateral aspect of the leg. Point: BL59 Chinese Name: 跗阳 English Name/ Meaning: Instep Yang Pinyin: fū yáng Han Geul 한글: bu yang 부양 Romaji: fu yō Vietnamese: Phụ dương…

Feiyang BL58: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Fei: to fly Yang: lifting Feiyang, BL58 is a luo-connecting point on the lateral aspect of leg and the collateral of this meridian flies out from this point to the kidney meridian. Point: BL58 Chinese Name: 飞阳 Name: Feiyang English Name/Meaning: Soaring Upwards Pinyin: fēi yáng Han Geul 한글: bi yang 비양 Romaji: hi…

Chengjin BL56: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Cheng: sustain Jin; tendon and muscle. Cheng-jin, BL56 is on the gastrocnemius muscle, which is an important leg muscle helping to sustain the upper part of the body. Point: BL56 Chinese Name: 承筋 English Name/Meaning: Support the Sinews Pinyin: chéng jīn Han Geul 한글: seung geun 승근 Romaji: shō kin Vietnamese:Thừa cân Location: On…

Heyang BL55 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: He: confluence Yang: yang of yin-yang The meridian runs downwards from the neck, where it branches out into two lines. After meeting at weizhong (BL40), it travels downwards and gradually descends along the muscle. The higher point is considered as Yang. Point: BL55 Chinese Name: 合阳 Name: Heyang English Name/Meaning: Confluence of Yang Pinyin:…

Baohuang BL53: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Bao: Bladder Huang: membrane Bao refers to the bladder. Baohuang, BL 53  is at the level of Pangguangshu (BL30). Point: BL53 Chinese Name: 胞肓 Name: Baohuang English Name/Meaning: Bladder’s Vitals Pinyin: bāo huāng Han Geul 한글: po hwang 포황 Romaji: hō kō Vietnamese:Bào hoang Location: 3 cun lateral to the median sacral crest, at…

Yanggang BL48: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Yang: Yang of yin-yang Gang: key link The gall bladder pertains to Yang. Yanggang is at the level of Danshu (BL19) and is important in treating gallbladder disease. Point: BL48 Chinese Name: 阳纲 Name: Yanggang English Name/Meaning: Yang’s Key Link Pinyin: yáng gāng Han Geul 한글: yang gang 양강 Romaji: yō kō? Vietnamese: Dương…

Huangmen BL51: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Huangmen is at the level of Sanjiaoshu (BL22), like a door for the Qi of the sanjiao. Point: BL51 Chinese Name: 肓门 Name: Huangmen English Name/Meaning: Vitals Gate Pinyin: huāng mén Han Geul 한글: hwang mun 황문 Romaji: kō mon? Vietnamese:Hoang môn Location: 3 cun lateral to Xuanshu (GV 5), at the level of…

Geguan BL46: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Ge: diaphragm Guan:pass Geguan is at the level of Geshu (BL17) Point: BL46 Chinese Name: 膈关 Name: Geguan English Name/Meaning: Diaphragm Gate Pinyin: gé guān Han Geul 한글: gyeok gwan 격관 Romaji: kaku kan(?) Vietnamese:Cách quan Location: 3 cun lateral to Zhiyang (GV9), at the level of the lower border of the spinous process…

Hunmen BL47: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Hun: soul Men:door The liver stores the soul. The point is at the level of Ganshu, (BL18) like a door for the Qi of the liver. Point: BL47 Chinese Name: 魂门 Name: Hunmen English Name/Meaning: Gate of the Ethereal Soul Pinyin: hún mén Han Geul 한글: hon mun 혼문 Romaji: kon mon? Vietnamese: Hồn…