Shixuan EX-UE11 : Location, Functions, Indication, Method

Nomenclature: English Name/Meaning: Ten Diffusions Chinese Name: 十宣 Chinese Pinyin: Shixuan Location: On the tips of the ten fingers, 0.1cun (finger inch) distal to the nails. Both hands altogether have ten points. Function and Indications of shixuan: Shixuan revives consciousness, dispel wind, clear heat so is beneficial for coma, epilepsy, wind stroke, high fever, sore…

Sifeng EX-UE10 : Location, Functions, Indication, Method

Nomenclature: English Name/Meaning: Four Seams Chinese Name: 四缝 Chinese Pinyin: Si-feng Location: On the palmar surface, in the midpoint of the transverse creases of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the index, middle, ring and little fingers. One hand has four points, both hands have a total of eight points. Function and Indications of Sifeng :…

Baxie EX-UE9 : Location, Functions, Indication, Method

Nomenclature : English Name/Meaning: Eight Pathogens Chinese Name: 八邪 Location: When a loose fist is made, the points are on the dorsum of the hand, proximal to the margins of the webs between all five fingers, at the junction of the red and white skin. Both hand altogether have a total of eight points. Functions…

Wailaogong EX-UE8 : Location, Function, Indication, Method

Nomenclature: English Name/Meaning: Outer Palace of Tail Chinese Name: 外劳宫 Chinese Pinyin: Wailaogong. Also called as LUOZHEN / XIANQIANG Location: On the dorsum of the hand, between the second and third metacarpal bones, 0.5 cun(finger inch) posterior to the metacarpophalangeal joint. Indications and functions : Wailaogong strengthens the Qi and Blood of the neck and…

Yaotongxue EX-UE7 : Location, Function, Indication, Method

Nomenclature: English Name/Meaning: Lumbar Pain Point Chinese Name: 腰痛穴 Chinese Pinyin: Yaotongxue Location: On the dorsum of the hand, between the second and third metacarpal bones, and between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones, at the midpiont between the transverse crease of the wrist and the metacarpophalangeal joint. One hand has two points, a total…

Erbai EX-UE2: Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: English Name/Meaning: Two whites Chinese Name: 二白 Chinese Pinyin: Erbai Location: On the palmar aspect of the forearm, 4cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, on both sides of the tendon of m.flexor carpi radialis. Each side has one point, each arm has two points, both arms have a total of four points….