Shendao GV11: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Shen: mind Dao: pathway The heart houses the mind. Shendao is medial to Xinshu (BL15), like a pathway of the mind. Point: GV11 Chinese Name: 神道 Name: She ndao Pinyin: shén dào English Name/Meaning: Way of the Spirit Han Geul 한글:sin do 신도 Romaji: shin dō Vietnamese:Thần đạo Location: Below the spinous process of…

Xuanshu GV5: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Xuan: suspended Shu: pivot Xuanshu GV5 lies on the lower back. When lying supine, the local region suspends as a pivot for lumbar movement. Point: GV5 Chinese Name: 悬枢 Name: Xuan shu Pinyin: xuán shū English Name/Meaning:Suspended Pivot Han Geul 한글: hyeon chu 현추 Romaji: ken sū? Vietnamese:Huyền khu Location: Below the spinous process…

Jinsuo GV8 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Jin: muscle Suo: contracture Jinsuo is beneficial in treating all kinds of muscle contracture. Point: GV8 Chinese Name: 筋缩 Name: Jin suo Pinyin: jīn suō English Name/Meaning: Muscle Spasm Han Geul 한글: geun chuk 근축 Romaji: kin shuku(?) Vietnamese:Cân súc Location: This point lies below the spinous process of the ninth thoracic vertebra. Functions…

Zhongshu GV7: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Zhong : middle Shu: pivot Zhongshu lies below the 10th vertebra and is like a pivot in the middle of the spine. Point: GV7 Chinese Name: 中枢 Name:Zhongshu Pinyin: zhōng shū English Name/Meaning: Central Pivot Han Geul 한글: jung chu 중추 Romaji: chū sū? Vietnamese:Trung khu Location: In the depression below the spinous process…

Jizhong GV6: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Ji: spine Zhong: middle The point jizhong  lies on the middle of the spine. Point: GV6 Chinese Name: 脊中 Name: Ji zhong Pinyin: jì zhōng English Name/Meaning:Middle of the Spine Han Geul 한글: cheok jung 척중 Romaji: seki chū? Vietnamese:Tích trung Location: Jizhong, GV6 lies in the depression below the spinous process of T11….

Yaoshu GV2 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method

Nomenclature: Yao: lower back Shu: point Yaoshu GV2 lies on the lower back, where the Qi of the meridian infuses. Point: GV2 Chinese Name: 腰俞 Name: Yao shu Pinyin: yāo shū English Name/Meaning: Low Back Transporter Han Geul 한글: yo yu 요유 Romaji: yō yu? Vietnamese:Yêu du Location: On the midline in the sacro- coccygeal…

Renzhong GV26: : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Also called as Shuigou. Shui: water    Gou: groove Renzhong is in the philtrum, which looks like a water groove. English name/meaning : Water Trough Chinese name: 人中 Chinese pinyin: Renzhong Korean name: Sugu Japanese name: Suiko Vietnamese name: Nhan trung French: Choe-keou Location: Renzhong is located at the junction of the upper 1/3…

Baihui GV20 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Bai: hundred Hui: meeting Baihui is at the vertex, and a meeting place of the three foot-yang meridians, the liver meridian and the governor vessel (dumai). English name/ meaning: Hundred convergences Chinese name: 白會 Chinese pinyin: Baihui Korean name: Paek’oe Japanese name: Hyakue Vietnamese name: Bach hoi French: Pae-roe Location: 7 cun directly above…

Fengfu GV16: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indication, Method, Indication

Nomenclature: Feng: pathogenic wind             fu: place Fengfu is a point for eliminating the pathogenic wind. English name/ meaning: Wind Mansion Chinese name: 风府 Chinese pinyin: Fengfu Korean name: P’ungbu Japanese name: Fufu Vietnamese name: Phong phu French: Fong-fou Location: On the midline of the nape of the neck, 1 cun…

Yamen GV15: Nomenclature, Location, Functions,Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Ya: mutism Men: door Yamen may either cause or treat mutism. It is likened to a two way door to mutism. English name/ meaning: Mutes Gate Chinese name: Yamen Chinese pinyin: 哑门 Korean name: Amun Japanese name: Amon Vietnamese name: Amon French: Ia-menn Location: On the midline of the nape of the neck, 0.5…

Dazhui GV14: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precautions

Nomenclature: Da: large Zhui: vertebrae Dazhui is below the 7th cervical vertebra, which is the largest of the cervical vertebrae. English name/ meaning: Great Hammer Chinese name: 大椎 Chinese pinyin: Dazhui Korean name: Taech’u Japanese name: Daitsui Vietnamese name: Dai chuy French: Pae-lao Location: On the posterior midline, in the depression below the spinous process…

Shenzhu GV12 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indication, Method,Precautions

Nomenclature: Shen : body Zhu: pillar Shenzhu is below the third thoracic vertebrae and connects upwards with the head and neck when downwards with the back and the lumbar vertebrae, like a pillar of the body. English name/meaning : Body Pillar Chinese name: Shenzhu Chinese pinyin : 身柱 Korean name: Shinju Japanese name: Shinchu Vietnamese…