Futu LI 18 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Fu: side Tu: prominence Tu refers to the laryngeal prominence. Futu is beside the Adam’s Apple. Point Name: LI-18 Chinese Name: 扶突 English Name/ Meaning: Support the Prominence Pinyin: fú tū Han Geul 한글: bu dol 부돌 Romaji: fu totsu(?) Vietnamese: Phù đột Location : On the lateral side of the neck, level with…

Tianding LI17 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Tian : Heaven               Ding: an ancient cooking vessel with two loop handles. Tian means “upper”. The head looks like a Ding. Tianding point is below the ear at the neck. Point: LI-17 Chinese Name: 天鼎 Name: Tianding English Name/ Meaning: Heaven’s Tripod Pinyin: tiān dǐng Han Geul 한글:…

Jugu LI16 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Ju: huge Gu:bone The clavicle was called JUGU in ancient times. This point is close to its acromial end. Point: LI-16 Chinese Name: 巨骨 Name: Jugu English Name/ Meaning: Great Bone Pinyin: jù gǔ Han Geul 한글: geo gol 거골 Romaji: ko kotsu Vietnamese: Ngự cốt Location : On the upper aspect of the…

Binao LI 14 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Bi: arm Nao: Muscle prominence of the arm Binao is at the muscle prominence of the arm. Point Name: LI-14 Chinese Name: 臂臑 English Name/Meaning: Upper Arm Pinyin: bì nào Han Geul 한글: bi no 비노 Romaji: hi ju Vietnamese: Tí nhu Location : Binao is located on the lateral side of the upper…

Zhouliao LI12 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Zhou: elbow Liao: foramen Zhouliao is at the elbow and close to the foramen. Point Name: LI-12 Chinese Name: 肘髎 English Name/ Meaning: Elbow Bone Hole Pinyin: zhǒu liáo Han Geul 한글: ju ryo 주료 Romaji: chū ryō? Vietnamese: Trữu liêu Location : When the elbow is flexed, this point is located in the…

Shanglian LI-9 : Nomenclature,Location, Functions, Indications, Method

Nomenclature: Shang: Upper             Lian: Edge Shanglian is superior to Xialian (LI8) at the dorsal side of the forearm, close to the radial aspect. Point: LI-9 Chinese Name:上廉 English: Upper Angle Pinyin: shàng lián Han Geul 한글: sang nyeom 상렴 Romaji: jō ren? Vietnamese: Thượng liêm Location: Shanglian is located on…

Xialian LI8 : Nomenclature,Location, Functions, Indications, Method

Nomenclature: Xia: inferior               Lian: edge Xialian is inferior to Shanglian (LI9) at the dorsal side of the forearm, close to the radial aspect. Chinese Name:下廉 Name: Xialian English: Lower Angle Pinyin : xià lián Han Geul 한글: ha ryeom 하렴 Romaji: ge ren(?) Vietnamese : Hạ liêm Location: Xialian…

Wenliu LI7 : Nomenclature,Location, Functions, Indications, Method

Nomenclature: Point: LI-7 Chinese Name: 溫溜 Name : Wenliu English: Warm Flow Pinyin: wēn liū Han Geul 한글 : ol lyu 온류 Romaji : on rū Vietnamese: Ôn lưu Location: 5 cun proximal to Yangxi LI 5 on the line connecting Yangxi LI 5 with Quchi LI 11. Functions and indications of Wenliu: Treats acute…

Yingxiang LI20 lies on either side of the nose and is used to treat disorder of nose, to improve the sense of smell and enable the nose to sense fragrance.

Yingxiang LI20 : Nomenclature, Functions, Indications, Method

Nomenclature: Ying: to meet Xiang: fragrance The point is located on either side of the nose and is used to treat disorders of nose, to improve the sense of smell and enable the nose to sense fragrance. Point: LI20 Chinese Name: 迎香 Name: Ying xiang Pinyin: Welcome Fragrance English Name/Meaning: yíng xiāng Han Geul 한글:…

Heliao LI19: Nomenclature, Functions, Indications, Method

Nomenclature: This point is also known as kouheliao. Kou: mouth            He: grain/food            Liao: foramen The food enters the stomach through the mouth. Heliao is located in the foramen beside the mouth. Point: LI19 Chinese Name: 口禾髎 Name: (Kou) heliao Pinyin: Mouth Grain Crevice English Name/Meaning:kǒu…

Jianyu LI15: Nomenclature, Functions, Indications, Method

Nomenclature: Jian: shoulder Yu: corner The point is located at the corner of the shoulder. Point: LI15 Chinese Name: 肩髃 Name: Jianyu Pinyin: Shoulder Bone English Name/Meaning: jiān yú Han Geul 한글: gyeon u 견우 Romaji: ken gū Vietnamese:Kiên ngung Location: With the arm abducted and parallel to the ground, at the upper border of…