Chengqi ST1 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication



Cheng: to receive Qi: tears
The point is located below the eye, a place for receiving tears.

Point: ST-1
Chinese Name: 承泣
Name: Chengqi
English Name/Meaning: Container of Tears
Pinyin: chéng qì
Han Geul 한글: seung eup 승읍
Romaji: shō kyū
Vietnamese: Thừa khấp


With the eye looking straight forward, the point lies vertically below the pupil, between the eyeball and the infraorbital border.

Indications of chengqi:

  • Red and painful eyes, lacrimation upon exposure to wind, night blindness, blurred vision.
  • Twitching of the eyelids; deviate mouth and eye; main point for facial paralysis or spasm also.


With the eye closed, push the eyeball upward slightly with the left thumb and puncture perpendicularly and slowly 0.3-0.7cun along the infraobital ridge. It is not to manipulate the needle with a large amplitude; compress the needling hole after withdrawing the needle.


Meeting point of stomach channel with Yang Motility (qiao) and REN.


  • The needle should be inserted slowly without lifting, thrusting or rotating.
  • Immediately on withdrawal of the needle, press firmly with a cotton ball for about a minute to prevent haematoma.
  • As this point is very sensitive so try under supervision.
  • According to several classical texts, this point is contraindicated to moxibustion.

Read About Other Points of Stomach Meridian

ST11-气舍-Qishe   ST12-缺盆-Quepen    ST13- 气户-Qihu    ST14-库房-Kufang    ST15-屋翳-Wuyi    ST16-膺窗-Yingchuang    ST17-乳中-Ruzhong    ST18-乳根-Rugen    ST19-不容-Burong   ST20-承满-Chengman

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