Danzhong CV17: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precautions
Dan: Exposure Zhong: middle
The exposed middle part of the chest was called Tanzhong in ancient times. This point lies there.
English name/ meaning: Chest Centre
Chinese name: Danzhong
Chinese pinyin: 膻中
Korean name: Chonjung
Japanese name: Danchu
Vietnamese name: Dan trung
French Name: Trann-tchong
Functions of Danzhong:
- Regulates Qi and suppresses rebellious Qi (Tonifying action on heart and lung, Strong influence n lung).
- Expand chest and relaxes diaphragm (stops coughing, helps with expectoration of phlegm, chest congestion).
- Promotes lactation and opens breast (breast problems).
Danzhong is on the anterior midline, level with the 4th intercostal space, or at the midpoint between the nipples.
- Danzhong is the main point for oppression in the chest, short of breath, chest pain, heart palpitation, often used with Neiguan.
- Also, the main point for diseases of the breast; the beginning of the mammitis, lactation deficiency.
- Respiratory problems caused due to rebellious Qi of Lung: Cough, asthma.
- Upper jiao problems: Vomiting, cardiac spasm.
- Transverse insertion directed superiorly or inferiorly along the channel 0.5 to 1 cun.
- Transverse insertion directed laterally towards the breasts,1 to 1.5 cun, for breast disorders.
- Front-Mu Point of the Pericardium.
- Point of sea of Qi.
- One of the Eight Influential Points (Qi Convergence).
- The crossing point of conception vessel with Spleen, Kidney, Small Intestine and Triple Energizer meridian.