Dazhu BL11: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications
Da: big Zhu:shuttle
The first thoracic vertebra is bigger, the spinous process is like a shuttle, and Dazhu is lateral to it.
Point: BL11
Chinese Name: 大杼
Name: Dazhu
English Name/Meaning: Great Shuttle
Pinyin: dà zhù
Han Geul 한글: dae jeo 대저
Romaji: dai jo
Vietnamese:Đại trữ
1.5 cun lateral to Taodao (GV13), at the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebrae.
Functions of Dazhu:
- Dispels wind pathogens.
- Resolves external heat.
- Relaxes sinews and vessels.
- Regulates bones and joints.
- Supplements the blood.
- Exterior syndromes like fever,aversion to cold, low immunity, wind invasion, cold, flu, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia.
- Local problems: upper back pain, neck pain, spine and lumbar pain, pain and soreness in scapular region.
Oblique insertion towards the spine, 0.5 to 1 cun.
- Influential Point of Bone (Hui-meeting point).
- Meeting pt of the BL, SI, SJ and GB and the GV channel
- Sea point.
Deep perpendicular or needling in a wrong direction carries a substantial risk of causing a pneumothorax.