Duiduan(GV-27/兌端) : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Method, Precaution

Duiduan GV27
Duiduan GV27


Dui: mouth Duan: tip
Duiduan is at the tip of the upper lip.
English name/meaning : End Exchange
Chinese name: 兌端
Chinese pinyin : duì duān
Korean name: tae don 태단
Japanese name: da tan(?)
Vietnamese name: Đoài đoan


On the midline, at the junction of the margin of the upper lip and the philtrum.


Insert obliquely directed superiorily 0.2 to 0.3 cun.


  • Calms shen so is used for various mental ilness line anxiety, depression, epilepsy, infantile convulsion
  • Clears heat so helps with mouthbleeding and sores, pain and swelling in the gums due to heat affecting yangming channel.
  • Local disorders of mouth, lip and teeth.


First aid for toothache.


General precautions.

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