Fengmen is located where it is easily invaded by the pathogenic wind and is good for treating the diseases caused by the wind. The point is therefore considered as the door of the pathogenic wind.

Fengmen BL12: Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method



Feng: pathogenic  men:door
Pathogenic wind easily invades Fengmen  and  is good for treating the diseases caused by the wind. The point is therefore considered as the door of the pathogenic wind.

Point: BL12
Chinese Name: 风门
Name: Fengmen
English Name/Meaning: Wind Gate
Pinyin: fēng mén
Han Geul 한글: pung mun 풍문
Romaji: fū mon
Vietnamese:Phong môn


1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebra.

Functions and Indications of Fengmen:

  • Opens the lung and disperse wind: Common cold, cough, fever, headache;
  • Opens the channel: Stiff neck, pain in the back and chest.


Puncture obliquely in the direction of the midline 0.5-1cun.


Meeting point of Bladder with Governor (DU) Channel.


Deep perpendicular or needling in a wrong direction causes a substantial risk of causing a pneumothorax.

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