Fuyang BL59: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications
Fu: tarsus Yang: yang of yin-yang
Yang here means “exterior and superior”. Fuyang is on the superior aspect of the tarsus and on the lateral aspect of the leg.
Point: BL59
Chinese Name: 跗阳
English Name/ Meaning: Instep Yang
Pinyin: fū yáng
Han Geul 한글: bu yang 부양
Romaji: fu yō
Vietnamese: Phụ dương
This point lies three (3) cun directly above Kulun (BL60).
Functions of Fuyang BL59:
- Disperse wind damp in the channel and connecting vessels.
- Clears the channel.
- Invigorates Yang Qiao Mai.
- Strengthens the back.
Heavy sensation of the head, headache, low back pain, redness and swelling of the external mallelous, paralysis of the lower extremities.
Perpendicular insertion 1 to 1.5 cun.
- Xi-cleft point.
- Crossing point.