Heliao LI19: Nomenclature, Functions, Indications, Method
This point is also known as kouheliao.
Kou: mouth He: grain/food Liao: foramen
The food enters the stomach through the mouth. Heliao is located in the foramen beside the mouth.
Point: LI19
Chinese Name: 口禾髎
Name: (Kou) heliao
Pinyin: Mouth Grain Crevice
English Name/Meaning:kǒu hé liáo
Han Geul 한글: hwa ryo 화료
Romaji: ka ryō(?)
Vietnamese: Hòa liêu
This point is located below the lateral margin of the nostril, 0.5 cun lateral to Renzhong GV26.
Puncture obliquely 0.3 to 0.5 cun
Indication of heliao:
This is the main point for diseases of the nose, such as nasal obstruction, nosebleed, poor sense of smell, sinusitis and various nose disease.
Also used to treat Bell’s palsy, facial paralysis or spasm, facial twitching.
One of the main point for nose disease.
Moxibustion contraindicated in this point.