Jiache ST6 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication



Jia: Cheek        che: Vehicle
The term jia refers to mandible and the point is on the cheek close to the angle of mandible.

Point: ST-6
Chinese Name: 颊车
Name: Jiache
English Name/Meaning: Jaw Bone
Pinyin: jiá chē
Han Geul 한글: hyeop geo 협거
Romaji: kyō sha
Vietnamese: Giáp xa


One finger-breadth anterior and superior to the lower angle of the mandible, at the prominence of the masseter muscle when the teeth are clenched.

Functions and Indications of Jiache:

  • Main point for facial paralysis or spasm, often used with Dicang.
  • To treat neuralgia in the lower branch of trigeminal nerves (facial pain).
  • Toothache, twitching of the facial muscle, swelling of cheeks.
  • Ghost point – during epilepsy attack, calm people with Shen disorder – with Du24.


  • Puncture perpendicularly 0.3-0.5cun.
  • Transverse insertion to join with such points as ST 4, ST 5, ST 7 etc.; Puncture transversely to Dicang(ST4) 0.5-0.8 cun.
  • Transverse insertion towards the upper or lower jaw for toothache.


  • Main point for treating facial paralysis and toothache.
  • Sun Si-miao Ghost point

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