Juliao ST3: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Ju: huge Liao: foramen
Juliao is in the big foramen at the junction of the superior maxillary bone and zygomatic bone.
Point: ST-3
Chinese Name: 巨髎
Name: Juliao
English Name/Meaning: Great Crevice
Pinyin: jù liáo
Han Geul 한글: geo ryo 거료
Romaji: ko ryō
Vietnamese: Cự liêu
With the eyes looking directly forwards, this point lies directly below the pupil, level with the lower border of the ala nasi, on the lateral side of the naso labial groove.
Functions and Indications of juliao:
- Dispels wind, open the channel and disperse accumulation so is beneficial in muscular twitching, Bell’s palsy, facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, sinus pressure, congestion, runny nose.
- Also benefits for disorders of face, teeth, nose, ear.
- Perpendicular insertion 0.3 to 0.4 cun;
- Transverse insertion to join with such points as Dicang(ST4), Qianliao (SI18).
- Tendino-Musculo Points
- Crossing Point of Yang Qiao Vessel
Read About Other Points of Stomach Meridian
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