Lanweixue EX-LE7 : Location, Functions, Indication, Method



English Name/Meaning: Appendix Point
Chinese Name: 阑尾穴
Chinese Pinyin: Lan-wei-xue


On the superior anterior aspect of the lower leg, 5 cun below ST 35(Dubi), one finger-breadth from the anterior crest of the tibia.

Functions and Indications of lanweixue:

  • Moves qi and blood flow in the large intestine clears heat and heat toxins from the large intestine. So, is beneficial for disorders of appendix acute and chronic appendicitis, dyspepsia.
  • Local disorders: paralysis of the lower extremities, pain in the lower leg.

Method :

Perpendicular insertion 1.5-2.0 cun.

Remarks :

Use the point on right leg.
Good point for the diagnosis of appendicitis.

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