Lingdao HT4: Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication



Ling: mind Dao: pathway

The heart dominates the mind. Lingdao is in the depression on the raidal side of the tendon of m.flexor carpi ulnaris; it is like a pathway leading toward the mind.

Point: HT-4
Chinese Name: 靈道
English Name/Meaning: Spirit Path
Pinyin: líng dào
Han Geul 한글: young do 영도
Romaji: rei dō?
Vietnamese: Linh đạo


Lingdao is on the radial side of the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris, 1.5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist.


  • Opens the channel.
  • Nourishes heart and calms the spirit.
  • Strengthens the voice.

Indications of Lingdao:

  • Heart problems: Chest pain, palpitations, cardiovascular problems.
  • Calm “Shen”– Sadness, too much happiness, palpitation, depression, manic, poor concentration, very easily scared, poor memory, dream disturbed sleep.
  • Throat disorders: sudden loss of voice, stiffness of tongue.
  • Diseases of the sinews and bones: contraction of the elbow and arm; a freezing cold sensation deep within the marrow and bones.


Perpendicular insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun,


  • Jing-river point, Metal point.
  • Chest pain/tightness – angina, combine with P6. (Self-massage approx. 6-min./day starting soft → deeper. Do every day for 2 wks with a couple of days off. Research found improved ECG reports)


Avoid puncturing ulnar nerve.

Read about other points of Pericardium Meridian:

HT1-Jiquan- 极泉   HT2-Qingling- 青灵   HT3-Shaohai-少海  HT5-Tongli-通里  HT6-Yinxi-阴郄  HT7-Shenmen-神门  HT8-Shaofu-少府  HT9-Shaochong-少冲

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