Lung Channel of Hand Taiyang- An Introduction

Lung Channel Hand Taiyang
Lung Channel Hand Taiyang

Lung Channel of Hand-Taiyin 手太阴肺经

Originates from middle energizer, lung channel descends to connect Large intestine. It then returns and travels along the upper orifice of stomach passes through diaphragm and enters Lungs. It exits transversely from the arm pit from the lung system, where the lung communicates with the throat. Descends along the anterio-medial side of the upper arm, going in front of the Heart Channel of Hand-Shaoyin and the Pericardium Channel of Hand-Jueyin, where it reaches the elbow, goes downward along the anterior border of the radial side on the medial aspect of forearm and enters the cunkou, or the anterior margin of the styloid process of the wrist, where the radial artery is palpated. It then passes through the major eminence,, traveling along the radial border and going out to terminate at the medial side of the tip of the thumb. A branch of this channel splits from the styloid process of the wrist and runs to the radial side of the tip of the index finger, where it connects to the large intestine channel of hand-yangming.

Indication: Throat, Chest, Lung disease and conditions along the pathway of the channel.





LU 1


Zhōng Fǔ中府

Upper lateral chest, 6 cun lateral to anterior midline, at the same level with the first intercostals space, and 1 cun below Yun Men

LU 2


Yún M én 云门

Upper lateral chest, Superior to the coracoids process of Scapula, in the depression of the infraclavicular fossa, 6 cun lateral to anterior mid line

LU 3


Tian Fu 天府

Medial aspect of upper arm , on radial side of the tendon of Biceps Muscle, 3 cun below front end of axillary fold

LU 4


Xia Bai 侠白

Medial aspect of upper arm , on radial side of tendon of Biceps Muscle, 4 cun below the front end of axillary fold

LU 5


Chi Ze 尺泽

With elbow slightly bent, on the transverse crease of the elbow, in the radial depression of the tendon of biceps muscle

LU 6


Kong Zui 孔最

In forearm , along the line linking Taiyuan (LU 9) and Chize (LU5), 7 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist

LU 7


Lie Que 列缺

On the upper edge of the Styloid process of the radius, i.5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist between the bracheoradial muscle and the tendon of the long abductor muscle of the thumb.

LU 8


Jing Qu 经渠

In the depression between the styloid process of the radius and the radial side, 1 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist.

LU 9


Tai Yuan 太渊

On radial side of the transverse crease of wrist, in the depression of the lateral side of radial artery.

LU 10


Yu Ji 鱼际

Midpoint of the 1st metacarpal bone, on the junction of red and white skin.

LU 11


Shao Shang 少商

Radial aspect of thumb, about 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail.

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