Naohu GV17: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Nao: brain Hu: door The Governor Vessel ( Dumai ) runs upwards along the spine and enters the brain. Naohu is like a door on the occipital region for the Qi of the meridian flowing into the brain. Point: GV17 Chinese Name: 脑戸 Name: Nao hu Pinyin: nǎo hù English Name/Meaning:Brain Door Han Geul…

Qiangjian GV18: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Qiang: stiffness Jian: middle Qiangjian is between the parietal bone and the occipital bone and is indicated in treating stiff neck and headache. Point: GV18 Chinese Name: 強间 Name:Qiangjian Pinyin: qiáng jiān English Name/Meaning: Rigid Space Han Geul 한글: gang gan 강간 Romaji: kyō kan? Vietnamese:Cường gian Location: Qianjian GV 18 lies 4 cun…

Taodao GV13: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Tao: moulding Dao: pathway The Qi of the Zang-fu organs gathers on the Governor Vessel and ascends along this way so named as taodao. Point: GV13 Chinese Name: 陶道 Name:Taodao Pinyin: táo dào English Name/Meaning: Way of the Pot Han Geul 한글: do do 도도 Romaji: tō dō? Vietnamese:Đào đạo Location: Below the spinous…

Lingtai GV10: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Ling : Spirit Tai : platform Lingtai lies below Shendao (GV11) and Xinshu (BL15) and is therefore liken to a platform for the heart spirit. Point: GV10 Chinese Name: 灵台 Name:Lingtai Pinyin: líng tái English Name/Meaning:Spirit Platform Han Geul 한글: yeong dae 영대 Romaji: rei dai(?) Vietnamese:Linh đài Location: Below the spinous process of…

Shendao GV11: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Shen: mind Dao: pathway The heart houses the mind. Shendao is medial to Xinshu (BL15), like a pathway of the mind. Point: GV11 Chinese Name: 神道 Name: She ndao Pinyin: shén dào English Name/Meaning: Way of the Spirit Han Geul 한글:sin do 신도 Romaji: shin dō Vietnamese:Thần đạo Location: Below the spinous process of…

Xuanshu GV5: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Xuan: suspended Shu: pivot Xuanshu GV5 lies on the lower back. When lying supine, the local region suspends as a pivot for lumbar movement. Point: GV5 Chinese Name: 悬枢 Name: Xuan shu Pinyin: xuán shū English Name/Meaning:Suspended Pivot Han Geul 한글: hyeon chu 현추 Romaji: ken sū? Vietnamese:Huyền khu Location: Below the spinous process…

Jinsuo GV8 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Jin: muscle Suo: contracture Jinsuo is beneficial in treating all kinds of muscle contracture. Point: GV8 Chinese Name: 筋缩 Name: Jin suo Pinyin: jīn suō English Name/Meaning: Muscle Spasm Han Geul 한글: geun chuk 근축 Romaji: kin shuku(?) Vietnamese:Cân súc Location: This point lies below the spinous process of the ninth thoracic vertebra. Functions…

Zhongshu GV7: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Zhong : middle Shu: pivot Zhongshu lies below the 10th vertebra and is like a pivot in the middle of the spine. Point: GV7 Chinese Name: 中枢 Name:Zhongshu Pinyin: zhōng shū English Name/Meaning: Central Pivot Han Geul 한글: jung chu 중추 Romaji: chū sū? Vietnamese:Trung khu Location: In the depression below the spinous process…

Jizhong GV6: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Nomenclature: Ji: spine Zhong: middle The point jizhong  lies on the middle of the spine. Point: GV6 Chinese Name: 脊中 Name: Ji zhong Pinyin: jì zhōng English Name/Meaning:Middle of the Spine Han Geul 한글: cheok jung 척중 Romaji: seki chū? Vietnamese:Tích trung Location: Jizhong, GV6 lies in the depression below the spinous process of T11….

Yaoshu GV2 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method

Nomenclature: Yao: lower back Shu: point Yaoshu GV2 lies on the lower back, where the Qi of the meridian infuses. Point: GV2 Chinese Name: 腰俞 Name: Yao shu Pinyin: yāo shū English Name/Meaning: Low Back Transporter Han Geul 한글: yo yu 요유 Romaji: yō yu? Vietnamese:Yêu du Location: On the midline in the sacro- coccygeal…

Gallbladder Channel of Foot – An Introduction

Gallbladder Channel of Foot Shaoyang 足少阳胆经 The Gallbladder Channel of foot Shaoyang originates from the outer canthus ascends to the corner of the forehead, and then descends to the posterior of the ear. Descending further along the neck to the shoulder, it enters the supraclavicular fossa. One branch emerges from behind the ear and enters…