
Zhongfu LU1: Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Zhong: Middle Fu: Place The term zhong refers to middle jiao. As lung meridian originates from middle jiao. This is the point where the qi of stomach and spleen in the middle jiao is gathered in the lung meridian. Location: This point is located 6 cun lateral to  the anterior midline, level with the…

Conditions Treated By Acupuncture

The knowledge of Chinese medicine/acupuncture has been serving for the treatment of various disorders for more than 2500 years.   Acupuncture was used for the treatment of most of the disorders before the introduction of western medicine. For the first time, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared 43 conditions treated by acupuncture in 1979. In 1996,…