Pangguangshu BL28 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method
Pangguang: Bladder Shu:point
Pangguangshu is the place where the Qi of the bladder infuses into the back.
Point: BL28
Chinese Name: 膀胱俞
Name: Pangguangshu
English Name/Meaning: Bladder Transporter
Pinyin: páng guāng shū
Han Geul 한글: bang wang yu 방광유
Romaji: bōkō yu
Vietnamese:Bàng quang du
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd sacral vertebra.
- Regulates bladder (any urinary problems, drying out dampness, renal/bladder stones).
- Benefits lumbar vertebrae.
Indications of Pangguangshu:
- Pangguangshu is the main point for diseases of the urinary bladder and its functional regulation: obstruction of urination, difficulty in urination, frequent urination, retention or enuresis, incontinence of urine.
- Also benefits in diarrhea, constipation;
- Main point for Stiffness and pain of the local area, sciatica.
Perpendicularly 0.8-1.2cun
Back-Shu Point of the Urinary Bladder.