Ququan LR8 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications



Qu: crooked Quan: spring
Ququan is at the medial end of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa. With the knee flexed, the local depression is like a spring.

Point: LR-8
Chinese Name: 曲泉
Pinyin: qū quán
English Name/Meaning: Spring at the crook
Han Geul 한글: gok cheon 곡천
Romaji: kyoku sen
Vietnamese: Khúc tuyền


Ququan is located 1 cun anterior to KI 10, just superior to the medial end of the popliteal crease, in the depression anterior to the tendons of m. semitendinosus and m. semimembranosus.


  • Benefits the bladder (urine retention, painful urination).
  • Clears damp heat in lower back (genital problems, genital herpes, leukorrhoea, urinary problems).
  • Relax sinew and invigorate channel (Knee pain).
  • Nourishes Blood and Yin.
  • Moves Qi locally.

Indications of Ququan:

  • He-sea point and water point.
    • Ququan is good for counterflow qi and diarrhea, the disease of the ST disorders resulting from irregular eating and drinking: diarrhea containing undigested food and diarrhea containing blood and pus.
    • Diseases of the skin: itching of the genitals.
    • On the lower limb, the yin he-sea points (SP 9, KI 10, LIV 8) all strongly drain dampness and damp-heat from the fu or extraordinary fu in the lower jiao, specifically the BL, intestines and uterus.
    • Resolve blood stasis in the uterus.
  • Liver disorders: hepatitis (tenderness on LIV 8).
  • Local disorders: knee pain, knee stiffness.


Perpendicular or slightly posterior insertion 1 to 1.5 cun.


  • He-sea point and water point.
  • Good for urinogenital problems.
  • Best point for damp heat on Liver channel.
  • Although emphasized by some practitioners as a point to tonify the Liver yin and blood, Ququan (mother) is primarily used to clear damp-heat from the lower jiao and to resolve blood stasis in the uterus.

Read about other points of Liver Meridian:

LR1-Dadun-大敦   LR2-Xingjian-行间    LR3-Taichong-太冲    LR4-Zhongfeng-中封    LR5-Ligou-蠡沟    LR6-Zhongdu-中都   LR7-Xiguan-膝关    LR9-Yinbao- 阴包   LR10-Zuwuli-足五里    LR11-Yinlian-阴廉    LR12-Jimai-急脉    LR13-Zhangmen-章门    LR14-Qimen-期门

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