Shangyang LI1 : Nomenclature, Functions, Indications, Method

Shang:one of the five sound pertaining to metal Yang: Yang of yin-yang
In the term shangyang, the large intestine pertains to metal and is scribed to the shang sound. whereas yang refers to the yang meridian.
This point is on the radial side of the index finger, about 0.1cun to the corner of the nail.
Perpendicular or oblique insertion directed proximally 0.1 to 0.2 cun, or prick to bleed.
Swollen and sore throat, toothache; loss of consciousness, sunstroke; Febrile diseases.
Jing-Well point, Horary Point
Read about other points of Large Intestine Meridian:
LI2-Erjian-二间 LI3-Sanjian-三间 LI4-Hegu-合谷 LI5-Yangxi-阳溪 LI6-Painli-偏历 LI7-Wenliu-温溜 LI8-Xialian-下廉 LI9-Shanglian-上廉 LI10-Shousanli-手三里 LI11-Quchi-曲池 LI12-Zhouliao-肘髎 LI13-Shouwuli-手五里 LI14-Binao-臂臑 LI15-Jianyu-肩髃 LI16-Jugu-巨骨 LI17-Tianding-天鼎 LI18-Futu-扶突 LI19-Heliao-禾髎 LI20-Yingxiang-迎香