Shenfeng KI23: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Shen: mind, implying the heart Feng: manor
Shenfeng lies in the region which is subjected to the heart.
Point: KI23
Chinese Name: 神封
Name: Shenfeng
English Name/Meaning: Spirit Seal
Pinyin: shén fēng
Han Geul 한글: sin bong 신봉
Romaji: shim pō
Vietnamese: Thần phong
In the fourth intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the conception vessel.
Functions and Indications of shenfeng:
- Opens the chest (asthma, pain in the ribs, rebellious qi).
- Opens lung and sedates cough (asthma, fullness in chest, pain from bronchitis).
Transverse-oblique insertion, directed laterally along the intercostal space 0.5 to 1 cun.
Deep perpendicular or oblique needling may puncture the lung and/or liver.