Shenmai pertains to the bladder meridian, from where the meridian extends to the Yang Heel Vessel (Yangqiaomai).

Shenmai BL62 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method



Shen: to extend             Mai: meridian
Shenmai pertains to the bladder meridian, from where the meridian extends to the Yang Heel Vessel (Yangqiaomai).

Point: BL62
Chinese Name: 申脉
Name: Shenmai
English Name/Meaning: Extending Vessel
Pinyin: shēn mài
Han Geul 한글: sin maek 신맥
Romaji: shim myaku
Vietnamese:Thân mạch


On the lateral side of the foot, in the depression directly below the external malleolous.

Functions of shenmai:

  • Clears the spirit(mania,psychosis,mental confusion).
  • Relaxes the sinew(pain on channel, lateral leg pain, back pain).
  • Opens to Yangqiao vessel (The Yang Qiao vessel traverses the lateral side of the body and head, connects with the Gall Bladder channel at GB20 and enters the brain at DU 16.)


  • Shenmai is main point for Meniere disease, insomnia, Back and Neck pain.
  • Also psychosis, epilepsy.
  • Headache, stiff neck, pain of the lumbar region and legs.
  • Blepharoptosis, somnolence.


Puncture perpendicularly 0.3-0.5 cun

Remark :

One of the Eight Confluent Points Associating with the Yang Heel Vessel.
Ghost point

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