Shenshu is the place where the Qi of the kidney infuses into the back.

Shenshu BL23 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method

Shenshu is the place where the Qi of the kidney infuses into the back.


Shen: Kidney Shu:point
Shenshu is the place where the Qi of the kidney infuses into the back.

Point: BL23
Chinese Name:肾俞
Name: Shenshu
English Name/Meaning: Kidney Transporter
Pinyin: shèn shū
Han Geul 한글: sim yu 신유
Romaji: jin yu
Vietnamese:Thận du


1.5cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2th lumbar vertebra.

Functions of shenshu:

  • Tonifies the kidney (Kidney yin, kidney yang, kidney qi, kidney essence).
  • Strengthens the lumbar vertebra (Supports low back).
  • Benefits the ear and eyes.


  • Main point for disorders in urinary system: frequently micturation, pain in urination, urgent micturation, retention, diguria, edema, etc.
  • Also beneficial for diseases in genital system: impotence, spermatorrhea, irregular menstruation, etc.
  • Other d isorders:tinnitus, deafness; chronic lumbago; Cough, asthma, asthenic breathing.


Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1.0cun


Back-Shu Point of the Kidney.


Deep perpendicular needling carries a risk of injuring the kidney.

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