Shimen CV5: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution


Nomenclature of Shimen:

Shi: stone Men: door
Stone here means “hard”. Shimen is beneficial in treating lumps in the lower abdomen.  IN ancient literature stone field is a place where crops cannot grow  and women who cannot bear child are called stone women. Similarly, needling this point has been said to cause temporary infertility,according to ancient classical text.
Point: CV5
Chinese Name: 石门
Name: Shi men
Pinyin: shí mén
English Name/Meaning: Stone Gate
Han Geul 한글: seong mun 석문
Romaji: seki mon(?)
Vietnamese: Thạch môn


Shimen lies on the anterior midline, 2 cun below the umbilicus.


  • Tonifies the Kidneys and Tonifies Original qi.
  • Regulates menstruation, the Uterus and the lower jiao. Also, Warms yang and Cold deficiency in the lower jiao.
  • Activates the Triple Heater in its role of the transformation and excretion of fluids in the Lower Burner. Opens the Water Passages.


  • Abdominal disorders: Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, edema.
  • Urinary disorders: Edema, eneuresis, anuria.
  • Reproductive disorders: Amenorrhea, uterine bleeding, post partum haemorrhage.
  • Point for birth control: During ancient time, this point was used for birthcontrol.


Insert perpendicularly 0.8 to 1.5 cun.


  • Front-mu point of Triple Energizer Meridian.
  • Good point for hernia and for male disorders.
  • During ancient time, this point was forbidden to puncture to young women of child bearing age, as it may cause infertility.


  • Contraindicated in pregnancy.
  • Deep insertion may penetrate the peritoneal cavity.

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