Stomach Channel of Foot Yang Ming- An Introduction

Stomach Channel of Foot YangMing

Stomach Channel of Foot-Yang Ming 足阳明胃经

Stomach Channel starts from the lateral side of the nose, travels upward to the root of nose where it meets the Channel of Foot-Taiyang. Turning downward along the lateral side of the nose, it enters the upper gum. Curving around the lips, it meets Chengjiang (CV 24) in the mentolabial groove. It then travels to the posterior aspect of the mandible passing through the facial artery, ascending in front of the ear and following the anterior hairline, it reaches the forehead. Its cheek branch splits from the front of Daying (ST 5) point and passes through the carotid artery. Passing along the throat it enters the supraclavicular fossa, further descends and passes through the diaphragm, and then enters its penetrating organ, Stomach, and connects to the Spleen, the related organ. The straight branch of the channel in the chest and abdomen arises from the supraclavicular fossa, which descends and passes through the Nipple (4 cun lateral to the midline). It then reaches to the lateral side of the umbilicus (2cun lateral to the anterior midline of abdomen) and enters the inguinal groove, where it merges with the previous branch of the channel. It further descends to front of the Coxa joint, reaches the quadriceps muscle and enters the knee. It continuous further down along the anterior border of the lateral aspect of the tibia to the dorsum of foot and reaches the lateral side of the tip of second toe. The tibial branch of the channel splits from the place 3 cun below the knee and runs downwards and ends at the lateral side of the middle toe. Another branch on the foot emerges from the dorsum of the foot to enter the medial side of the tip of the big toe, where it links with the spleen channel.

Indications of Stomach Channel of Foot-Yang Ming: Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines, Disorders of head, Face and five sense organs, mental diseases, and Febrile diseases.

 Point No.     Name  Location

ST 1


Cheng Qi


When eyes are looking straight forward, the point is vertically below the pupil, between the eyeball and the infraorbital border.

ST 2


Si Bai 四白

When eyes are looking straight forward, the point is vertically below the pupil in the depression of the infraorbital foramen.

ST 3


Ju Liao 巨髎

When eyes are looking straight, vertically below the pupil at the level of the lower border of Ala Nasi, on the lateral side of the nasolabial groove.

ST 4


Di Cang 地仓


When eyes are looking straight, vertically below the pupil at the level of the angle of the mouth.

ST 5


Da Ying 大迎

Anterior to the angle of the mandible, on the anterior border of the attached portion of medial masseter, where the facial artery pulsates.



ST 6


Jia Che 颊车

One finger width anterior and superior to the lower angle of mandible, at the prominence of masseter muscle when teeth are clenched.

ST 7


Xia Guan下关

Depression between zygomatic arch and mandibular notch

ST 8


Tou Wei 头维

0.5 cun straight above the corner of the anterior hairaline, 4.5 cun lateral to anterior mid line of forehead

ST 9


Ren Ying人迎

Lateral to Adam’s apple, on the anterior  boarder of medial sternocleidomastoidus, where the carotid artery pulses

ST 10


Shui Tu 水突

On the anterior boarder of medial sternocleidomastoidus at the midpoint of the line linking Ren Ying(ST9) and Qi She (ST11)

ST 11


Qi She 气舍

On the neck, superficial boarder of the sterna extremity of the clavicle between sterna head and clavicular head of medial sternocleidomastoidus
ST 12 Que Pen 缺盆 In the midpoint of the supraclavicular fossa,4 cun lateral to the anterior midline of the chest
ST 13 Qi Hu 气户 At the lower boarder in the center of the clavicle 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline of the chest
ST 14 Ku Fang 库房 On the 1st intercoastal space, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline of the chest
ST 15 Wu Yi 屋翳 On the 2nd intercoastal space, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline of the chest
ST 16 Ying Chuang 膺窗 On the 3rd intercoastal space, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline of the chest
ST 17 Ru Zhong


On the 4th intercoastal space, 4 cun lateral to anterior midline of chest, at the center of nipple
ST 18 Ru Gen 乳根 On the 5th intercoastal space, vertically below the nipple, 4 cun lateral anterior midline of the chest

ST 19


Bu Rong 不容

On the upper abdomen, 6 cun above the center of the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to anterior midline.

ST 20

Cheng Man


On the upper abdomen, 5 cun above the center of the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to anterior midline.

ST 21

Liang Men


On the upper abdomen, 4 cun above the center of the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to anterior midline.

ST 22

Guan Men


On the upper abdomen, 3 cun above the center of the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to anterior midline.

ST 23


Tai Yi 太乙

On the upper abdomen, 2 cun above the center of the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to anterior midline.

ST 24

Hua Rou Men 滑肉门 On the upper abdomen, 1 cun above the center of the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to anterior midline.

ST 25


Tian Shu 天枢

2 cun lateral to the umbilicus

ST 26


Wai Ling 外陵

On the lower abdomen, 1 cun below the center of the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline

ST 27


Da Ju 大巨

On the lower abdomen, 2 cun below the center of the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline of the abdomen

ST 28

Shui Dao


On the lower abdomen, 3 cun below the center of the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline

ST 29


Gui Lai 归来

On the lower abdomen, 4 cun below the center of the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline
ST 30 Qi Chong


On the lower abdomen, 5 cun below the center of the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline of the abdomen

ST 31


Bi Guan 髀关

On the line linking the anterior superior iliac spine and the lateral border of the patella, level with the gluteal groove in the depression lateral to the seratorius muscle.
ST 32 Fu Tu 伏兔 Line linking anterior superior iliac spine & lateral border of the patella, 6 cun above the patella.

ST 33


Yin Shi 阴市

On the line linking the anterior superior iliac spine and the lower lateral border of the patella, 3 cun above the upper lateral border of the kneecap.

ST 34


Liang qiu


On the line linking the anterior superior iliac spine and the lower lateral border of the patella, 2 cun above the upper lateral border of the patella.

ST 35


Du Bi 犊鼻

When knee is flexed, at lower border of patella, in the depression lateral to the patella ligament.

ST 36


Zu san Li


3 cun below Du Bi (ST 35), 1 finger width lateral to the anterior crest of tibia.

ST 37


Shang Ju xu  上巨虚

6 cun below Du Bi (ST 35), 1 finger width lateral to the anterior crest of tibia.

ST 38


Tiao Kou条口

8 cun below Du Bi (ST 35), 1 finger width lateral to the anterior crest of tibia.
ST 39 Xia Ju Xu


9 cun below Du Bi (ST 35), 1 finger width lateral to the anterior crest of tibia.
ST 40 Feng Long


8cun above the external malleolus, 2 finger width lateral to anterior tibial crest.

ST 41


Jie Xi 解溪

At the midpoint of the transverse crease of the ankle joint, between the tendons of digitorum longus and hallucis longus.

ST 42


Chong Yang  冲阳

At the highest point of the dorsum of foot, between the tendons of medial extensor hallucis longus and digitorum longus, where the dorsal artery of foot pulsates.

ST 43


Xian Gu 陷谷

On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression distal to the junction of 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones.

ST 44


Nei Ting 内庭

Proximal to the web margin between 2nd and 3rd toes, at the junction posterior to the toe web of red and white skin.

ST 45


Li Dui 厉兑

On the lateral side of the end of 2nd toe, 0.1 cun lateral to the corner of the nail

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