Fufen BL41: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Fu: attached Fen: separation The bladder meridian runs downwards bilaterally from the neck. Fufen is at the beginning of the second line attached to the first line. Point: BL41 Chinese Name: 附分 Name: Fufen English Name/Meaning: Attached Branch Pinyin: fù fēn Han Geul 한글: bu bun 부분 Romaji: fu bun(?) Vietnamese:Phụ phân Location: 3…

Jianzhongshu SI15 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Jian: shoulder Zhong: middle Shu:point Jianzhongshu is on the shoulder and is in the centre of the vertebral border of the scapula. Point: SI-15 Chinese Name: 肩中俞 English Name/Meaning: Middle Shoulder Shu Pinyin: jiān zhōng shū Han Geul 한글: gyeon jung yu 견중유 Romaji: ken chū yu? Vietnamese: Kiên trung du Location: 2 cun…