Dazhu BL11: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Da: big Zhu:shuttle The first thoracic vertebra is bigger, the spinous process is like a shuttle, and Dazhu is lateral to it. Point: BL11 Chinese Name: 大杼 Name: Dazhu English Name/Meaning: Great Shuttle Pinyin: dà zhù Han Geul 한글: dae jeo 대저 Romaji: dai jo Vietnamese:Đại trữ Location: 1.5 cun lateral to Taodao (GV13),…

Danzhong CV17: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precautions

Nomenclature: Dan: Exposure Zhong: middle The exposed middle part of the chest was called Tanzhong in ancient times. This point lies there. English name/ meaning: Chest Centre Chinese name: Danzhong Chinese pinyin: 膻中 Korean name: Chonjung Japanese name: Danchu Vietnamese name: Dan trung French Name: Trann-tchong Functions of Danzhong: Regulates Qi and suppresses rebellious Qi…

Zhongwan CV12 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precautions

Nomenclature: Zhong: middle wan: stomach Zhongwan is over the middle of the stomach. English name/ meaning: Central Stomach Chinese name: 中脘 Chinese pinyin: Zhongwan Korean name: Chung-wan Japanese name: Chukan Vietnamese name: Trungquan French Name: Tchong-koann (Tchong-oann) Functions of Zhongwan: Harmonize Stomach (Descends stomach qi, Both excess and deficiency type stomach problems). Tonifies spleen and…

Xuanzhong GB39 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method

Nomenclature: Xuan: Hanging            Zhong: bell Xuanzhong is above the lateral malleolus, where children in ancient times used to hang a bell. Point: GB38 Chinese Name: 阳辅 English Name/Meaning: Yang Assistance Pinyin: yáng fǔ Han Geul 한글: yang bo 양보 Romaji: yō ho Vietnamese: Dương phụ Location: 3 cun above the…

Yanglingquan GB34 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method

Nomenclature: Yang: Yang of yin-yang             Ling: mound             Quan: Spring The lateral is Yang. The head of the fibula at the lateral aspect of the knee is prominent as a mound below which in the depression yanglingquan is located , like a spring. Point: GB34 Chinese…

Geshu is the place where the Qi of the diaphragm is infused into the back.

Geshu BL17:Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method

Nomenclature: Ge: Diaphragm           Shu:point Geshu is the place where the Qi of the diaphragm is infused into the back. Point: BL17 Chinese Name: 膈俞 Name: Geshu English Name/Meaning: Diaphragm Transporter Pinyin: gé shū Han Geul 한글: gyeok yu 격유 Romaji: kaku yu Vietnamese: Cách du Location: 1.5 cun lateral to the…