Zuqiaoyin GB44: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Zu: foot Qiao: opening              Yin:yin of yin-yang The kidney and the liver pertain to yin and open into the ear and the eye. Zuqiaoyin is on the foot and is indicated in treating ear and eye disorders. Point: GB44 Chinese Name: 足窍阴 Name: Zuqiaoyin English Name/Meaning: Yin Portals…

Zhongfeng LR4 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Zhong: Middle Feng: Earth heaped into a mound Zhongfeng is on the foot, where the qi of the meridian is abundant. It is an imprtant “pass” in this meridian. Point: LR-4 Chinese Name:中封 Name: Zhongfeng Pinyin:zhōng fēng English Name/Meaning: Middle Margin Han Geul 한글:jung bong 중봉 Romaji:chū hō Vietnamese: Trung phong Location: On the…

Lingdao HT4: Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Ling: mind Dao: pathway The heart dominates the mind. Lingdao is in the depression on the raidal side of the tendon of m.flexor carpi ulnaris; it is like a pathway leading toward the mind. Point: HT-4 Chinese Name: 靈道 English Name/Meaning: Spirit Path Pinyin: líng dào Han Geul 한글: young do 영도 Romaji: rei…