Chengfu Bl36: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Cheng: Sustaining Fu: support Chengfu is on the upper part of the femur at the midpoint of the gluteo-femoral crease, its function is to enable the lower limbs to sustain the body weight. Point: BL36 Chinese Name: 承扶 Name: Chengfu English Name/Meaning: Hold and Support Pinyin: chéng fú Han Geul 한글: seung bu 승부…

Qiuxu GB40 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method

Nomenclature: Qiu: Mound           Xu: Large mound Qiuxu is between the lateral malleolus ( like a mound) and the peroneal trochlea of the calcaneous (like a large mound). Point: GB40 Chinese Name: 丘墟 English Name/Meaning: Mound of Ruins Pinyin: qiū xū Han Geul 한글: gu heo 구허 Romaji: kyū kyo Vietnamese: Khâu…

Yanglingquan GB34 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method

Nomenclature: Yang: Yang of yin-yang             Ling: mound             Quan: Spring The lateral is Yang. The head of the fibula at the lateral aspect of the knee is prominent as a mound below which in the depression yanglingquan is located , like a spring. Point: GB34 Chinese…

Huantiao GB30 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method

Nomenclature: Huan: A ring Tiao: Jumo Huantiao is on the hipjoint, which is the pivot for jumping. Point: GB30 Chinese Name: 环跳 Name: Huantiao English Name/Meaning: Jumping Circle Pinyin: huán tiào Han Geul 한글: hwan do 환도 Romaji: kan chō Vietnamese: Hoàn khiêu Location: With the patient lying on the side with the upper hip…