Jinmen BL63: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Jin: gold Men:door Jinmen, BL63 pertains to the bladder meridian of Foot-Taiyang and is the starting point of the Yang Link Vessel (Yangweimai), like a door to enter the Yang Link Vessel. Point: BL63 Chinese Name: 金门 Name: Jinmen English Name/Meaning: Golden Gate Pinyin: jīn mén Han Geul 한글: geum mun 금문 Romaji: kim…

Fuyang BL59: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Fu: tarsus Yang: yang of yin-yang Yang here means “exterior and superior”. Fuyang is on the superior aspect of the tarsus and on the lateral aspect of the leg. Point: BL59 Chinese Name: 跗阳 English Name/ Meaning: Instep Yang Pinyin: fū yáng Han Geul 한글: bu yang 부양 Romaji: fu yō Vietnamese: Phụ dương…

Waiqiu GB36: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Wai: Lateral Qiu: Mound Waiqiu is above the lateral malleolus and local muscle forms a mound- like a prominence. Point: GB36 Chinese Name: 外丘 English Name/Meaning: Outer Hill Pinyin: wài qiū Han Geul 한글: woe gu 외구 Romaji: gai kyū Vietnamese: Ngoại khâu Location: This point lies 7 cun above the tip of the…

Zhubin KI9: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Zhu: strong Bin: knee and leg Zhubin is on the medial aspect of the leg. It strengthens the knee and leg. Nomenclature: Point: KI9 Chinese Name: 筑宾 English Name/Meaning: Guest House Pinyin: zhú bīn Han Geul 한글: chuk bin 축빈 Romaji: chiku hin Vietnamese: Trúc tân Location: On the medial aspect of the lower…

Jiaoxin KI8: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Jiao: crossing Xin: belief Xin is one of the five-moralities (benevolence, loyalty, courtsey, intelligence and belief), pertaining to earth and thus referring to the spleen. The Qi of the meridian is crossed by the spleen meridian at this point. Point: KI8 Chinese Name: 交信 English Name/Meaning: Exchange Belief Pinyin: jiāo xìn Han Geul 한글:…

Shuiquan KI5: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Shui: water Quan: spring Shuiquan means water source. The kidney dominates water clearance. This point is a Xi-cleft point of the kidney meridian and indicated in treating dribbling of urine. Point: KI5 Chinese Name: 水泉 English Name/Meaning: Water Spring Pinyin: shuǐ quán Han Geul 한글: su cheon 수천 Romaji: sui sen Vietnamese: Thủy tuyền…

Yanglao SI6 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Yang: to support            Lao:old people Yanglao is good for treating geriatric disease such as blurring of vision, deafness, lumbago, shoulder pain .etc. Point: SI-6 Chinese Name: 养老 English Name/Meaning: Support the Aged Pinyin: yǎng lǎo Han Geul 한글: yang no 양노 Romaji: yō rō Vietnamese: Dưỡng lão Location: When…

Zhongdu LR6 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Zhong: middle Du: confluence Zhongdu is at the midpoint of the medial aspect of the leg, and is a confluence of the Qi of the Liver meridian. Point: LR-6 Chinese Name: 中都 Name: Zhongdu English Name/Meaning: Central Capital Pinyin:zhōng dū Han Geul 한글: jung do 중도 Romaji: chū to Vietnamese: Trung đô Location: On…

Wenliu LI7 : Nomenclature,Location, Functions, Indications, Method

Nomenclature: Point: LI-7 Chinese Name: 溫溜 Name : Wenliu English: Warm Flow Pinyin: wēn liū Han Geul 한글 : ol lyu 온류 Romaji : on rū Vietnamese: Ôn lưu Location: 5 cun proximal to Yangxi LI 5 on the line connecting Yangxi LI 5 with Quchi LI 11. Functions and indications of Wenliu: Treats acute…

Huizong TE7 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Nomenclature: Hui: meeting Zong: gathering Huizong is a xi-cleft point of this meridian, where the Qi of the meridian gathers. Point: TE7 Chinese Name: 会宗 Name: Huizong English Name/Meaning: Ancestral Meeting Pinyin: huì zōng Han Geul 한글: hui jung 회종 Romaji: e sō Vietnamese: Hội tông Location: At the level of Zhigou (SJ6), on the…

Yinxi HT6 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method

Nomenclature: Yin: Yin of yin-yang Xi:cleft Yinxi is the Xi-cleft of hand-shaoyin meridian. Location: On the palmar aspect of the forearm, on the radial border of the tendon of m. flexor carpi ulnaris, 0.5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist. Indication: Heart disorders: Cardiac pain, fright, palpitation. Bleeding disorders due to excess heat:…


Diji SP8: Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Di: Earth Ji: Importance Di refers to the lower limbs where the point is located. The local muscle is very thick and important region for leg movement. Point: SP-8 Chinese Name: 地机 English Name/Meaning: Earth Pivot Pinyin: dì jī Han Geul 한글: ji gi 지기 Romaji: chi ki Vietnamese: Địa cơ Location: On the…