Chongyang ST 42 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Chong: important Yang: Yang of Yin-yang The point is where the chongyang is located (arteria dorsalis pedis). Point: ST-42 Chinese Name: 冲阳 Name: Chongyang English Name/Meaning: Rushing Yang Pinyin: chōng yáng Han Geul 한글: chung yang 충양 Romaji: shō yō Vietnamese: Xung dương Location: On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression formed…

Wangu SI4 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Wang:wrist Gu:bone The point is between the bones of the wrist. Point: SI-4 Chinese Name: 腕骨 English Name/Meaning: Wrist Bone Pinyin: wàn gǔ Han Geul 한글: wan gol 완골 Romaji: wan kotsu(?) Vietnamese: Uyển cốt Location: On the ulnar side of the palm, in the depression between the 5th metacarpal bone and the hamate…

Qiuxu GB40 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method

Nomenclature: Qiu: Mound           Xu: Large mound Qiuxu is between the lateral malleolus ( like a mound) and the peroneal trochlea of the calcaneous (like a large mound). Point: GB40 Chinese Name: 丘墟 English Name/Meaning: Mound of Ruins Pinyin: qiū xū Han Geul 한글: gu heo 구허 Romaji: kyū kyo Vietnamese: Khâu…

Yangchi TE4 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Yang : Yang of Yin-yang            Chi: pool Yangchi is in the depression on the back of the wrist and the qi of the meridian flows like water into a pool. Point: TE4 Chinese Name: 阳池 Name: Yangchi English Name/Meaning: Yang Pool Pinyin: yáng chí Han Geul 한글: yang ji…


Daling PC7 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Da: large      Ling: mound The palmar root is prominent, like a large mound. Daling is in the depression of the wrist proximal to it. Location: On the midpoint of the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis. Functions: Clears heart and calms the…

Taixi KI3 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Tai: Great Xi: Canyon Taixi is in the depression between the medial malleolus and the Archilles tendon, as in vast canyon. Point: KI3 Chinese Name: 太溪 Name: Taixi English Name/Meaning: Supreme Stream Pinyin: taì xī Han Geul 한글: tae yeon 태계 Romaji: tai kei Vietnamese: Thái khê Location: On the medial side of the…

Jinggu is an ancient name for the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal and the point is on the lateral aspect of the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal.

Jinggu BL64 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method

Nomenclature: Jinggu is an ancient name for the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal and the point is on the lateral aspect of the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal. Point: BL64 Chinese Name: 京骨 Name: Jinggu English Name/Meaning: Capital Bone Pinyin: jīng gǔ Han Geul 한글: gyeong gol 경골 Romaji: kei kotsu(?) Vietnamese: Kinh cốt Location:…

Shenmen HT 7: Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method

Nomenclature: Shen: mind Men: door The heart houses the mind. This point is a door for the mind. Location: On the palmar ulnar end of the transverse creast of the wrist, in the depression on the radial side of the tendon of m. flexor carpi ulnaris. Indications of shenmen: Main point for heart disease such…

Taibai SP3 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Nomenclature: Tai: great Bai:white The point is in the white skin of the big toe, where the white skin is the widest. Point: SP-3 Chinese Name: 太白 Name: Taibai English Name/Meaning: Supreme White Pinyin: taì bái Han Geul 한글: tae baek 태백 Romaji: tai haku Vietnamese: Thái bạch Location: On the posterior border of the…