Taichong LR3 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Tai : big Chong: important pass
Taichong is on the foot, where the qi of the meridian is abundant. It is an important “pass” in the meridian.
On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression distal to the junction of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones.
- Spreads liver qi (distension and pain along channel, sighing, depression).
- Discharge damp heat in lower burner ( urinary problems, genital problems, itching ).
- Nourishes Liver blood and yin (Cools blood, eyes, tendons and uterus).
- Sedates liver yang and extinguishes wind (epilepsy, stroke).
Indications of taichong:
- Taichong is indicated for any pattern of the LIV zang whether deficient or excess.
- Disorders along liver channel : Headache, dizziness, redness, swelling and pain in the eyes, optic atrophy, deviation of the mouth.
- Epilepsy, depression, irritability, infantile convulsions, stroke.
- Jaundice, pain in the hypochondriac region.
- Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, morbid leucorrhea, enuresis, retention of urine.
- Atrophy or paralysis of the lower limbs.
Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1.0 cun.
Shu-Stream Point; Yuan-Source Point.
Main point for calming the liver.
Important point for vertigo and foot pain.
Read about other points of Liver Meridian:
LR1-Dadun-大敦 LR2-Xingjian-行间 LR4-Zhongfeng-中封 LR5-Ligou-蠡沟 LR6-Zhongdu-中都 LR7-Xiguan-膝关 LR8-Ququan-曲泉 LR9-Yinbao- 阴包 LR10-Zuwuli-足五里 LR11-Yinlian-阴廉 LR12-Jimai-急脉 LR13-Zhangmen-章门 LR14-Qimen-期门