Tianliao TE15: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Tian: heaven liao: foramen
“Heaven” here means “upper”. Tianliao is in a foramen above the shoulder blade.
Point: TE15
Chinese Name: 天髎
Name: Tianliao
English Name/Meaning: Heavenly Crevice
Pinyin: tiān liáo
Han Geul 한글: cheol lyo 천료
Romaji: ten ryō
Vietnamese: Thiên liêu
Midway between Jianjing (GB21) and Quyuan (SI13) on the superior angle of the scapula.
- Dispels wind and damp in channel.
- Invigorates Qi, Blood and relieves pain.
Indications of Tianliao:
Pain in the shoulder and elbow, stiffness of the neck, arthritis of shoulder joint, shoulder impairment, Rotator cuff, frozen shoulder.
Oblique insertion directed according to the clinical manifestations, 0.5 to 1 cun.
- Meeting point of TE and Yangwei vessel.
- Good for rotator cuff problems.
- Use moxa for frozen shoulder.
Perpendicular insertion, especially in thin patients, carries a substantial risk of inducing a pneumothorax.