Toulinqi GB15 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method

Tou: Head Lin: regulation Qi: tears
Toulinqi is on the head and indicated in disorders of lacrimation.
Point: GB15
Chinese Name: 头临泣
Name: Toulinqi
English Name/Meaning: Head Governor of Tears
Pinyin: tóu lín qì
Han Geul 한글: [du] im eup [두] 임읍
Romaji: atama no rin kyū
Vietnamese: Đầu lâm khấp
Directly above the pupils when the eyes are looking straight ahead, 0.5cun within the anterior hairline, at the midpoint of the line connecting Shenting(GV24) and Touwei(ST8)
- Improves vision and nasal obstruction.
- Balances emotions.
Indications of toulinqi:
- Good for headache, eye pain, lacrimation, nasosinusitis.
- Also benefits for infantile convulsions, epilepsy.
- Scalp puncture use: MS 3: ST problems, LIV, GB problems.
Puncture transversely 0.3-0.5 cun.
Crossing point of Bladder, Gallbladder and Yangwei vessel.
If tenderness on this point, may have gallstone.