Triple Energizer Channel of hand- An Introduction

Triple Energizer Channel of hand

Triple Energizer Channel of hand Shaoyang 手少阳三焦经

Triple Energizer Channel of hand Originates from the tip of the ring finger and runs upward between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones along the dorsum of the hand. It then emerges between the radius and ulna on the lateral aspect of the forearm, passing through the tip of the elbow, it ascends along the lateral aspect of the upper arm to the shoulder. In the shoulder region, it crosses and passes behind the Gallbladder Channel of Foot-Shaoyang and goes forward into the supraclavicular fossa, spreading into the chest and connecting with the pericardium. It then descends through the diaphragm into the abdomen, connecting along its pathway with the upper , middle and lower energizer. One branch separates in the chest region, ascending to emerge from the supraclavicular fossa and rising along the neck to the posterior border of the ear. It crosses from the superior aspect of the ear to the corner of forehead, turning downwards toward the cheek and reaching the inferior aspect of the eye. Another branch separates behind the ear and enters the ear, and re-emerges in front of the ear, crossing the previous branch on the cheek. It then goes to the outer canthus, where it connects with the Gallbladder Channel of Foot – Shaoyang.

Indication: Diseases of head, throat, ear, chest and hypochondriac region, Febrile diseases and conditions along the pathway of channel.

Triple Energizer Channel of hand with Name and Location:

No.     Name             Location
TE 1 Guan Chong


On the ulnar side of the ring finger, approx 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail.

TE 2


Ye Men 液门

On the dorsum of hand, proximal to the margin of web between the 4th and 5th fingers, at the junction of red and white skin.


TE 3 Zhong Zhu


On the dorsal aspect of hand, on the ulnar side of the 4th metacarpal bone, in the depression proximal to 4th metacarpophalangeal joint.
TE 4 Yang Chi


On the transverse crease of the dorsum of the wrist, in the depression on the ulnar side of the tendon of the extensor digitorum communis.

TE 5


Wai Guan


On the dorsal aspect of forearm, 2 cun above the transverse crease of the dorsum of the wrist, on the line connecting Yangchi (TE 4) and the tip of the elbow between the radius and ulna.

TE 6


Zhi Gou 支沟

On the dorsal aspect of forearm, 3 cun above the transverse crease of the dorsum of the wrist, on the line connecting Yangchi (TE 4) and the tip of the elbow between the radius and ulna.

TE 7


Hui Zong


On the dorsal aspect of forearm, 3 cun above the transverse crease of the dorsum of the wrist, on the ulnar side of Zhi Gou and on the radial side of the ulna

TE 8

San Yang Luo 三阳络 On the dorsal aspect of forearm, 4 cun above the transverse crease of the dorsum of the wrist, between ulna and radius

TE 9


Si Du 四渎

On the dorsal aspect of forearm, on the line connecting Yang  Chi and tip of elbow, 5 cun below the tip of elbow between  the ulna and radius

TE 10


Tian Jing 天井

On the lateral aspect of arm, when the elbow is bent the point is in the depression about 1 cun above the olecranon of the ulna
TE 11 QingLengYuan清冷渊 On the lateral aspect of arm, when the elbow is bent the point is 2 cun directly above the tip of the ulna, 1 cun above Tian Jing
TE 12 Xiao Luo


On the lateral aspect of the arm, on the midpoint of the line connecting Qing Leng Yuan and Nao Hui




TE 13


Nao Hui 臑会

On the lateral aspect of the arm, on the line connecting olecranon and Jian Liao, 3 cun below Jian Liao, On the posterior and inferior border of Deltoidus

TE 14


Jian Liao 肩髎

On the shoulder, posterior to Jian Yu (LI 15) When the arm is abducted, in the depression posterior and interior to the acromion

TE 15

Tian Liao


In the region of scapula, midway between JianJing (GB21) and QU Yuan (SI 13) On the superior angle of the scapula

TE 16


Tian You 天牖

On the side of the neck, directly inferior to the posterior aspect of the mastoid process, at the level of angle of mandible, on the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoidus.

TE 17


Yi Feng 翳风

Posterior to the earlobe, in the depression between mastoid process and the angle of mandible

TE 18


Chi Mai 瘈脉

On the head posterior to the ear, in the center of mastoid process, at the junction of the middle and lower 3rd of the curved line along the ear helix connecting Jiao Sun (TE 20) and Yi Fung (TE 17)

TE 19


Lu Xi 颅息

On the head at the junction of the upper and middle third of the curved line along the ear helix connecting Jiao Sun (TE 20) and Yi Fung (TE 17)
TE 20 Jiao Sun 角孙 On the head, on the hairline directly above the ear apex, where the ear is folded forward

TE 21


Er Men 耳门

In front of supratragic notch, in the depression of the posterior border of the condylor process of the mandible when the mouth is open

TE 22


He Liao 和髎

On the  side of the head, on the posterior border of the hairline of the temple at the level with the root of the ear, posterior to the superficial temporal artery
TE 23 Si Zhu Kong 丝竹空 In the depression of the lateral end of the eyebrow

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