Wailaogong EX-UE8 : Location, Function, Indication, Method

Wailaogong EX-UE8
Wailaogong EX-UE8


English Name/Meaning: Outer Palace of Tail
Chinese Name: 外劳宫
Chinese Pinyin: Wailaogong. Also called as LUOZHEN / XIANQIANG


On the dorsum of the hand, between the second and third metacarpal bones, 0.5 cun(finger inch) posterior to the metacarpophalangeal joint.

Indications and functions :

Wailaogong strengthens the Qi and Blood of the neck and alleviates pain so is beneficial for stiff neck, pain of the hand and arm.

Local Disorders: Swelling and pain of the arms.

Method :

Perpendicular insertion 0.5-0.8 cun. Use strongly reducing needling techniques (for 1–2 minutes) on the affected side while asking the patient to gently move their neck or cervical spine. Keep the patient’s hand in a fixed position and ensure that the hand and forearm are supported sufficiently.


This is a painful point. So do not stimulate this point in patients with a weak constitution: danger of needle collapse.

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