Wangu SI4 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Wang:wrist Gu:bone
The point is between the bones of the wrist.
Point: SI-4
Chinese Name: 腕骨
English Name/Meaning: Wrist Bone
Pinyin: wàn gǔ
Han Geul 한글: wan gol 완골
Romaji: wan kotsu(?)
Vietnamese: Uyển cốt
On the ulnar side of the palm, in the depression between the 5th metacarpal bone and the hamate bone, at the junction of the red and white skin.
Indications of Wanggu:
Wangu is a yuan source point. so this point is used for various problems along the meridian like Headache and painful stiff nape of the neck, tinnitus, superficial visual obstruction.
Diabetes, febrile disease, malaria.
Pain and spasm in the fingers and wrists.
Puncture perpendicularly 0.3-0.5cun
Yuan-Source Point.
Read about other points of Small Intestine Meridian:
SI1-Shaoze-少泽 SI2-Qiangu-前谷 SI3-Houxi-後溪 SI5-Yanggu-阳谷 SI6-Yanglao-养老 SI7-Zhizheng-支正 SI8-Xiaohai-小海 SI9-Jianzhen-肩贞 SI10-Naoshu-臑俞 SI11-Tianzhong-天宗 SI12-Bingfeng-秉風 SI13-Quyuan-曲垣 SI14-Jianwaishu-肩外俞 SI15-Jianzhongshu-肩中俞 SI16-Tianchuang-天窗 SI17-Tianrong-天容 SI18-Quanliao-颧髎 SI19-Tinggong-听宫