Wenliu LI7 : Nomenclature,Location, Functions, Indications, Method



Point: LI-7
Chinese Name: 溫溜
Name : Wenliu
English: Warm Flow
Pinyin: wēn liū
Han Geul 한글 : ol lyu 온류
Romaji : on rū
Vietnamese: Ôn lưu


5 cun proximal to Yangxi LI 5 on the line connecting Yangxi LI 5 with Quchi LI 11.

Functions and indications of Wenliu:

  • Treats acute disorders so is beneficial for tooth ache and tooth problems, puffy face;also acute pain and swelling along arms.
  • Clears Heat and toxic Heat therefore benefits clove sores, carbuncle and furuncle, throat painful obstruction, and heat and swelling of the face. Also used to treat mumps.
  • Regulates the Stomach and Large Intestine so is beneficial for constipation, abdominal pain. Not good alone. Need local points or abdomen or points on legs.


Transverse oblique insertion, 0.5 to 1 cun.


Xi-cleft point.
Good for swollen tonsils.

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