Xiajuxu ST39 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Xia:Lower Ju: Great Xu:Void
The large void is formed between the tibia and fibula. The point lies in the lower part of the void.
Point: ST-39
Chinese Name: 下巨虛
Name: Xiajuxu
English Name/Meaning: Lower Great Void
Pinyin: xià jù xū
Han Geul 한글: ha geo heo 하거허
Romaji: ge ko kyu?
Vietnamese: Hạ cự hư
9 cun below Dubi(ST35), one finger width lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia.
- Clears heat and removes dampness.
- Clears bowels and removes stagnation.
Indications of Xiajuxu:
- Lower abdominal pain, bororygmus, diarrhea;
- Atrophy and paralysis of the legs, beriberi.
Puncture perpendicularly 1.0-1.5 cun.
Lower He-Sea point of the Small Intestine.