Xiguan LR7 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications
Xi: knee Guan: joint
Xiguan is in the vicinity of the knee joint.
Point: LR-7
Chinese Name: 膝關
Pinyin: xī guān
English Name/Meaning: Knee Joint
Han Geul 한글: seul gwan 슬관
Romaji: shitsu kan
Vietnamese: Tất quan
Posterior and inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia, in the upper portion of the medial head of m.gastrocnemius, 1 cun posterior to SP 9 .
Functions and indications of xiguan:
Benefits the knee so is beneficial for various knee problems: knee pain, swelling of knee joint, Arthritis of Knee.
Perpendicular insertion 1 to 2 cun.
Read about other points of Liver Meridian:
LR1-Dadun-大敦 LR2-Xingjian-行间 LR3-Taichong-太冲 LR4-Zhongfeng-中封 LR5-Ligou-蠡沟 LR6-Zhongdu-中都 LR8-Ququan-曲泉 LR9-Yinbao- 阴包 LR10-Zuwuli-足五里 LR11-Yinlian-阴廉 LR12-Jimai-急脉 LR13-Zhangmen-章门 LR14-Qimen-期门