Ximen PC4: Nomenclature, Location, Indications, Functions



Xi: cleft       Men: door
Ximen is a Xi-cleft point of the pericardium meridian and is a door where the Qi of the meridian enters and exits.

Point: Pc-4
Chinese Name:郄門
English Name/Meaning: Xi-Cleft Gate
Pinyin:xī mén
Han Geul 한글: geung mun 극문
Romaji: geki mon
Vietnamese: Khích môn

Location :

Ximen is located 5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, on the line connecting Quze (PC3) and Daling (PC7), between the tendons of m.palmaris longus and m. flexor carpi radialis.

Functions :

  • Pacifies the Heart and calms the spirit (palpitations, irritability, anxiety).
  • Loosens chest and regulates qi.
  • Removes blood stasis and blood heat.

Indications of Ximen:

  • Physical problems: palpitation, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, chest tightness.
  • Mental problems: insomnia, dream-disturbs sleep, anxiety, worry, depression, mania.
  • Local problems: arm pain, numbness, tingling, limited movement of the upper arm.

Method :

Perpendicular 0.5 to 1 cun or oblique 1 to 1.5 cun.

Remarks :

  • Xi-cleft point.
  • Good for angina, pleurisy, pericarditis, rheumatic heart disease.

Read about other points of Pericardium Meridian:

PC1-Tianchi-天池   PC2-Tianquan-天泉     PC3-Quze-曲泽  PC5-Jianshi-间使    PC6-Neiguan-内关    PC7-Daling-大陵  PC8-Laogong-劳宫   PC9-Zhongchong-中冲

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