Xinshu BL15:Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication, Method
Xin: Heart Shu:point
Xinshu is the place where the Qi of the heart infuses into the back.
Point: BL15
Chinese Name: 心俞
Name: Xinshu
English Name/Meaning: Heart Transporter
Pinyin: xīn shū
Han Geul 한글: sim yu 심유
Romaji: shin yu
Vietnamese:Tâm du
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra.
- Calms spiriy and heart, clears heat from heart (Nourishes the heart).
- Regulates blood and qi of the heart.
- Xinshu is a good point to calm and nourish the Heart and bring happiness to sad people.
- Main point for cardiac diseases, such as cardiac pain, palpitation, insomnia, forgetfulness, epilepsy.
- Cough, hematemesis.
- Nocturnal emission, night sweats.
Puncture obliquely 0.5-1 cun.
Back-Shu Point of the Heart.
Good point to calm and nourish the heart and bring happiness to sad people.
Deep perpendicular or needling in a wrong direction carries a substantial risk of causing a pneumothorax.