Xiongxiang SP19 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Xiong: chest Xiang: vast place
Xiongxiang is located on the vast part of the upper chest.
Point: SP-19
Chinese Name: 胸乡
English Name/Meaning: Chest Village
Pinyin: xiōng xiāng
Han Geul 한글: hyung hyang
Romaji: 흉향 kyō kyō?
Vietnamese: Hung hương
In the 3rd intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline or 2 cun lateral to the midclavicular line.
Functions of Xiongxiang:
- Disperses and descends the Lung Qi.
- Unbinds the chest.
Fullness sensation in the chest and hypochondriac region.
Transverse-oblique insertion along the intercostal space, 0.5 to 1 cun.
Good for lung disorders.
Perpendicular insertion, especially in thin patients, carries a substantial risk of inducing a pneumothorax.