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Yangfu GB38: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications

Acupuncture Needling

Yangfu is anterior to the fibula on the lateral aspect of the leg.


Yang: Yang of yin-yang Fu: auxillary
The lateral is yang and fu refers to fibula. Yangfu is anterior to the fibula on the lateral aspect of the leg.

Point: GB38
Chinese Name: 阳辅
Name: Yangfu
English Name/Meaning: Yang Assistance
Pinyin: yáng fǔ
Han Geul 한글: yang bo 양보
Romaji: yō ho
Vietnamese: Dương phụ


4 cun above the tip of the external mallelous slightly anterior to the anterior border of the fibula, between extensor digitorum longus and peronaeus brevis.

Functions of  Yangfu:


Migraine, pain of the outer canthus, pain in the axillary region, scrofula, lumbar pain, pain in the chest, hypochondriac region and lateral aspect of the lower extremities.


Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-0.7


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