Yinjiao CV7: Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, Method, Precaution

Yin: Yin of yin-yang Jiao:Crossing
Yinjiao CV7 is 1 cun below the navel, and is the crossing point of the Conception Vessel (Renmai), the throughfare Vessel (Chongmai) and the kidney meridian.
Point: CV7
Chinese Name:阴交
Name: Yinjiao
Pinyin: yīn jiāo
English Name/Meaning: Yin Intersection
Han Geul 한글: eum gyo 음교
Romaji: in kō
Vietnamese: Âm giao
Yinjiao lies on the anterior midline , 1 cun below the umbilicus.
Functions of Yinjiao:
- Nourishes yin and Blood.
- Tonifies the Kidney.
- Regulates the Uterus, menstruation and the lower jiao.
- Clears Heat from yin deficiency.
- Resolves Damp and Phlegm.
- Abdominal disorders: Abdominal distension, hernia, abdominal pain around umbilicus.
- Urinary disorders: Edema, eneuresis, anuria.
- Reproductive disorders: Amenorrhea, uterine bleeding, post partum haemorrhage.
Insert perpendicularly 0.8 to 1.5 cun.
- Meeting point of Conception and governor vessel with Kidney channel.
- YinJiao is a place of exchange and mingling which nourishes the qi of the lower jiao.
- CV7 is useful in re-establishing a regular pattern of menstruation, as well as for painful periods, pain in the genitals and lower jiao, as well as problems conceiving.
- Contraindicated in pregnancy.
- Deep insertion may penetrate the peritoneal cavity