Yinjiao(GV-28/齦交) : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Method, Precaution

Yin: gum Jiao:meet
Yinjiao is on the incisive suture of the upper gum, where the governor vessel and the conception vessel meet.
English name/meaning : Gum Union
Chinese name: 齦交
Chinese pinyin : yín jiāo
Korean name: eun gyo 은교
Japanese name: gin kō
Vietnamese name: Ngân giao
The point is located inside the mouth, in the superior frenulum, at the junction of the upper lip and the gum.
- Insert obliquely directed superiorly 0.2 to 0.3 cun.
- Prick to bleed.
- Clears heat especially from mouth and eyes so is beneficial for moutha and eye disorders..
- Pain along the centre of the face, local point.
- Nasal congestion. Pain and swelling of the gums
Meeting point of governor vessel, conception vessel and Stomach channel.
Donot puncture the frenulum.