Zhangmen LR13 : Nomenclature, Location, Function, Indication

Zhang: screen Men: Door
Zhangmen is below the hypochondrium, which acts like a screen for the internal organs.
On the lower border of the free end of 11th floating rib.
- Promotes smooth flow of Liver Qi (removes qi stagnation and regulates liver qi ).
- Quickens blood and transforms blood stasis (hypochondriac pain, enlarged liver and spleen).
- Relieves food retention and food stagnation ( strengthens and warms the spleen, helps in digestion, transforming dampness).
Indications of zhangmen:
Zhangmen is beneficial for liver and gallbladder problems:pain in the hypochondriac region, jaundice; Abdominal distention, diarrhea, vomiting.
Puncture obliquely 0.5-0.8 cun.
Front-Mu Point of the spleen. One of the Eight Influential points ( Zang-organs convergence).
Crossing Point of the channels of Foot –Jueyin and Foot –Shaoyang.
Deep perpendicular needling may damage an enlarged liver (R) or spleen (L).
Read about other points of Liver Meridian:
LR1-Dadun-大敦 LR2-Xingjian-行间 LR3-Taichong-太冲 LR4-Zhongfeng-中封 LR5-Ligou-蠡沟 LR6-Zhongdu-中都 LR7-Xiguan-膝关 LR8-Ququan-曲泉 LR9-Yinbao- 阴包 LR10-Zuwuli-足五里 LR11-Yinlian-阴廉 LR12-Jimai-急脉 LR14-Qimen-期门