Zhiyang- GV9 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Method



Zhi: reaching              Yang: Yang of yin-yang
Zhiyang is on a level with the diaphragm. The Qi of the meridian passes on Zhiyang and ascends i.e. it reaches to ” Yang within Yang” above the diaphragm from “yin within Yang ” below the diaphragm.

English name/ meaning: Reaching Yang
Chinese name: 至阳
Chinese pinyin : Zhiyang
Korean name: Chiyang
Japanese name: Shiyo
Vietnamese name: Chidurong
French: Tche-iang


On the posterior midline, in the depression below the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra.


  • Expands chest and diaphragm (cough, asthma, chest congestion).
  • Transforms damp heat (Damp heat in Liver and Gall Bladder).
  • Regulates Qi.


  • Zhiyang is a major point for jaundice, distension and fullness in chest and hypochondriac region.
  • Also good for cough, asthma.
  • Local disorders: Stiffness of the spine, pain in the back, lumbago.

Puncture obliquely upward 0.5 – 1 cun.


Deep insertion should be avoided. The spinal canal lies between 1.25 and 1.75 cun deep to the skin surface, varying according to body build.

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